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展现英语风采 诉说微笑力量——英语演讲比赛开启我院第一届英语文化节

作者:赵加蕙 王寰宇 来源:团委 基础部(思政部) 浏览: 时间:2017-05-19 字体:【

展现英语风采,诉说微笑力量。5月18日下午,华体会平台第一届英语文化节开幕式暨“The Power of Smile”主题英语演讲比赛在图书馆行政楼东报告厅举行,学院副院长郭鹏出席开幕式并致辞,基础部(思政部)主任贾明斌、团委书记王伟、国际交流中心主任吕子泉莅临比赛现场。



经过前期的预赛,最终有来自各系的15位选手站上了决赛的舞台,他们围绕“The Power of Smile”为主题展示英语演讲风采,他们的演讲或慷慨激昂、情感热烈,或述说细腻、娓娓道来,加之与外教Kim、Daleen的现场互动问答,赢得了台下观众的阵阵掌声。经过激烈的比拼,最终张嘉琳、袁嘉贤、周颖、曲昌、高雪菲5位同学荣获了此次比赛的一等奖。

On the afternoon of May 18, the English Speech Contest entitled “The Power of Smile” launched the First English Culture Festival of Shandong Polytechnic, which was held in the East Lecture Hall. Guo Peng, vice president of the college, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. The distinguished guests present include Mr. Jia Mingbin, dean of the Department of General Studies; Mr. Wang Wei, secretary of the Communist Youth League; Mr. Lv Ziquan, director of the International Exchange Center.

Vice President Guo Peng emphasized the substantial role played by English in the cultivation of well-qualified graduates. We hold the English festival with the purpose of enhancing the application of English, strengthening the English studying atmosphere as well as creating an academic-featured campus, which is a beneficial and significant attempt.

The English Festival is co-sponsored by the Department of General Studies, the Youth League and the International Exchange Center, lasting for one month. This festival consists of an English speech contest, a singing competition, a dubbing show, cultural posters and a gala, which is innovative and close to daily use and college life.

There are 15 contestants participated in the final contest after rounds and rounds of fierce competition. They delivered their speech with varied styles, passionate, enthusiastic or delicate. Audience burst into applause now and then for the active interaction between the contestants and the foreign teachers. Eventually, 5 students got the first prize who are named Zhang Jialin, Yuan Jiaxian, Zhou Ying, Qu Chang and Gao Xuefei.